Create & Restore data backup
Backup & Restoring functions used to keep your data safe when something wrong happens (Data deleted, Windows failed, or moving to a new PC). Virgo Offline saves your data by generating automatic backup each time you close the program. Note: The default Backup folder path is D:\Virgo\VirgoOffline\Backup.
Creating a backup manually: From upper menu >> File >> Backup, Click on Backup. Then choose a location to save the Backup file. To save Photos and Reports, you have to make a manual backup by copy both Photos and Reports folders, then paste them on a safe location (USB Driver, CD driver, or External Hard disk). Note: The default Photos & Reports folders path is D:\Virgo\VirgoOffline\Photos D:\Virgo\VirgoOffline\Reports
Restoring backup: From upper menu >> File >> Restore Backup, Click on Restore Backup. Then choose the Backup file you want to restore or choose the last backup that was created from the default Backup folder path “D:\Virgo\VirgoOffline\Backup”. A warning note message will appear, click OK to start the process. Restoring status will appear on the bottom bar. Information note message will appear, Backup restored successfully. | |